OCLC No. & E-Bibs


Free OCLC Number

We provide OCLC numbers free of charge to facilitate your cataloging process. All registered users of BooksWindow.com can view control numbers to match MARC records in WorldCat. The OCLC number, when available, is listed in the book detail as well as on the bibliographic record.

Bibliographic Records

Bibliographic records help expedite the cataloging process. Our bibliographic records provide transliterations of a book's author, title, and publisher, as well as publishing date, category, ISBN, language, and OCLC control number (if available in WorldCat).

Our bibliographic records are delivered in electronic format for FREE upon request with your purchase of books and/or audiovisual materials. You also have the option of paper format records (a card inserted inside one book of each title) at $1.00 per title or having both electronic and paper formats together at $1.50 per title. Click to view a bibliographic record.

MARC Records

MARC Records are now available upon request for our Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean materials. The MARC Records take 1-3 weeks to process and are delivered via email. The cost of each MARC Record is $10.00 per title. You have the option to add the records to your BooksWindow order during check out. Please contact us at info@bookswindow.com if you have questions about or are interested in ordering MARC Records.